5 thoughts on “Banana & Espresso Milkshake”

  1. Yep im trying to find as many things to put coffee into as i can… There has to be some kind of justification for the ridiculous amount of time and money i spend on perfecting it :)

    Have yet to try the coffe recipes in the first Spice Magazine, but they looked intriguing.

  2. Hi Matt. Not sure what you meant about leaving a note on the list of Ausie Blog so you can link. I’ll be putting a permanent list up when I get a bit of time over Christmas. Will try this smoothy over the break. Cheers.

  3. Hi Ed,

    Just meant it’d be nice to know who was linking to my site so i can return the favour :) It’s interesting sometimes to see where the visitors filter in from.

    Like your site too… Lots of great writing and funky photography.

    Hope you enjoy the smoothie :)


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