Home Made Hummus


Another quick post. This is my really really simply hummus recipe. Well actually… It’s not really my recipe at all, I just looked on the web and found a bunch of recipes and triangulated them into one multi-faceted conglomerate recipe that I felt best defined me as a person. Or something…

So. Hummus. Great stuff, best eaten on char grilled turkish bread with a little olive oil on top, or in countless other ways that I can’t even begin to imagine.


  • 1 can chick peas (or if you’re one of those hard core types, you could buy fresh chick peas and soak them over night)
  • 1-2 tablespoons of tahini (if you want a tahini free recipe, try this one )
  • Good olive oil… lots of
  • The juice of a couple of lemons
  • salt

Incidentally, recognised additional hummus ingredients include garlic, parsley, onions, cumin, and/or chili. So don’t say I don’t give you options here.

Then throw all those ingredients into a blender and pulse until you’ve got the consistency you want. Adding more of each one (ie: more olive oil, lemon juice, salt, tahini), until you get the flavour you want. Scoop it out into a bowl, drizzle a little extra olive oil over the top, and dip away to your hearts content.
