- Abstract Gourmet - http://abstractgourmet.com -

WA Barista Academy

Just been hanging out with Ben of the newly formed Western Australian Barista Academy [1]. Soon to be holding the WA state heats of the Australian Barista Championships.

Here’s a nice shot taken a few short minutes ago on my phone. Trying to put them roughly in sequence to show a bit of the technique Ben uses to dose, tamp and pull shots…

Mazzer Robur [2]


Hands of a master Part 2 [3]


Hands of a master Part I [4]


LaMarzocco Linea [5]

The Linea

Espresso shot LaMarzocco Linea [6]

The shot (not the best one we pulled)

Was a Rosetta [7]

The latte art… just after Ben had almost knocked the cup over :)