I have finally beaten my WordPress photo gallery plugin into submission, so it no longer messes up the photo gallery page by pushing all the menus down to the bottom. I’m not sure how it happened to begin with, but its now a lot nicer to view the image gallery.
Category: Admin
General information.
Honey Braised Rack of Pork with Kipfler Potato Salad
I’m not the biggest fan of pork, but occasionally like to dabble with it. This is one of my more successful dabblings.
The only rule i’ve learnt is that honey and pork go well together (i got that mostly from the fact that most pork flavoured snacks also contain some form of honey flavouring). So it must be a match made in heaven… because this was delicious.
Recipe to follow… but for now, note the use of Kipfler potatoes in the salad… tres yummy.
Kipfler Potatoes
Apparently people have been coming to my page looking for ‘Kifler’ potatoes. Well i had inadvertently spelt ‘Kipfler’ wrong in an earlier post, and so i thought i’d best correct the matter, as well as give those hardcore kipfler fans out there the real deal.
Kipfler (or German Finger Potato) are a waxy potato, finger shaped with creamy-coloured flesh. They are great boiled, steamed and in potato salads and look awesome for presentation purposes.
They just scream out to be sliced in funky angular type patterns, and i always feel a little guilty chopping them into chunks to boil them up. You can find my other uses of Kipfler potatoes by clicking the recipes catgerory in the menu.
If you’re one of the people who’s been looking for Kipfler potatoes and got here somehow, please let me know by leaving a comment.
Check out the related posts below to see recipes i’ve made that use Kipfler potatoes.
Flickr Rockr’s
This is a test post from , a fancy photo sharing thing.
Flickr is the coolest thing ever, and is making my life much easier by letting me upload all my photos to it, and then send the ones i like the best over to my blog…
This makes it a much simpler task to add new posts etc, because i’ve got all the little elements right there in the one place.
If only they weren’t owned by Yahoo… Ah well…
Theme change
I’ve reverted back to the original theme i started this site with ages ago. It’s called Gentle Calm… and is a lovely minimal theme, which i like a lot as it doesnt detract from the content… which ok… is sorely lacking… but im working on it.
To see what i’ve actually been doing, check out my Flickr gallery. I seem to be able to update it more frequently than i get around to doing here.
More content and photos and recipes and reviews to come soon… i promise (ish).
Category change
I’ve changed the name of one of my categories from “Coffee” to “Espresso”. I think i’ve reached the point where i need to make the distinction between something you might find next to the drinking chocolate and sugar in the supermarket, and the stuff i spend hours reading about on the web, and pouring countless amounts of time and money into perfecting in my little home cafe/science lab.
Look forward to a few more “espresso” posts in the near future. You may have already seen some of my shots in the sidebar section or in the photo gallery… there’ll be plenty more of that too.
Now…time to go make one…
The time has come
Well i’ve procrastinated over starting this site for far too long. So now it’s the point where i’ve got to be happy with what is here, and start writing, because after all… how useful is a website with no content ??
In progress are a bunch of restuarant reviews and some recipes i have put together over recent months.
Look forward to hearing about great food, great wine, and the occaisonal overly opinionated rant about whatever comes to mind.
I must thank the creator of this wordpress theme, it looks lovely, and once again i have done my best at rorting someone elses work for my own gain :)