September : The Month that Was


So I am still alive. And in lieu of writing one of those smarmy posts about how busy I’ve been and how I should be posting more but am too tired/lazy/incontinent and how I’ve also been recovering from surgery, mourning my cat that just died, and trying to fix my broken computer… I thought I’d just go back and revisit the month that was September, and a few of the more meaningful events that happened. As always, in pictoral form… because we all know that a pictures worth a thousand words (unless of course you’re an editor, then they’re worth bugger all).

Corrigin Wildflowers

It was back to the country to help my parents out at the 2007 Corrigin Agricultural Society Show. The bouncy castle was getting a severe workout, the arts and crafts and tractor rides were in fine form, and in a little tent on the corner of the football oval, we had a mobile cafe set up churning out countless coffee’s and delectable treats to locals and visiting dignitary’s (Nicky Windmar and (Federal MP and all round hard head) Wilson Tuckey).

After the hectic pace of the show, we took a little time to relax and enjoy the peaceful nothingness that is the wheatbelt in the springtime. A short trip out of town to the dog cemetary for some sombre reflection, before checking out the wildflower drive, which had Sharon nearly hyperventilating in a state of flower induced frenzy.

Birthday Partays

Then it was back to big smoke for party shenanigans. Sharon and I have birthdays which are two days apart. So a semi tradition is forming whereby we group all of our friends into one big basket, and force them to pretend to get along while I drunkenly mingle my way around everyone. This seems to work out pretty well most years, and this year was no different. A great turn out of friends new and old came down to Must Wine Bar (the only wine bar in Perth I would consistently rate) and had a great night of food and drinks and laughs and the occasional puff on a Davidoff cigarillo.

Pre-drinks eating was done at the one and only Suraj, the simplest and best Indian I’ve had the pleasure of partaking in a long time (If you haven’t been there before, go soon, he’ll be closing down soon), before moving a few doors down to Must for Yering Station Pinot (thanks Manda), Pandalowie Tempranillo (cheers Christretto), Armagnac (what were you thinking Ben ??), and who knows what else…

Thanks to all the lovely people who came out and made it a great night for both Sharon and I. Boo’s and Hisses to anyone who bailed :)

In other news I may have had another coffee article in the Spring edition of the excellent Spice Magazine (which was in fact excellent before I started writing for it, and I’m not just saying that now because I am, although I’m sure it doesn’t hurt). It’s about the transition from instant coffee drinker, to espresso aficionado. If that kind of thing sounds interesting, please go and pick up a copy, or even better, buy a subscription !

Oh, and I also joined a gym… food blogging is not without it’s pit falls.

12 thoughts on “September : The Month that Was”

  1. Finally the infamous party photos revealing all to those of us slackers (read: ‘parents’) who bailed!

    I too have had to take up gym membership – quite enjoying it when I remember to turn up.

    It looks like you all had far too much fun at Must. If Sylvia is still lifeless we need to arrange for her to travel North to visit with me – Christretto even volunteered to drive her up.

  2. Mate, I think it’s time to do it. Sylvia is indeed still dead and the numerous comments I’m still getting on my crappy latte art videos on youtube, telling me how to pour rosettas, is a continual reminder of my need to get it fixed so I can get back in the saddle.

  3. Matt,

    Instead of a gym membership, you can come and help me move my boxes of wine around the house, and I can charge you for it!

    Happy Birthday for last month.

  4. Edward, so long as I get to take one home for every 10 I move, you are on !

    Ever thought of starting up your own wine bar ? You won’t need to buy stock for months !

  5. Matt,

    Genuinely sorry to hear about your cat, and that’s coming from a dyed in the wool dog person.

    I see you describe Wilson Tuckey as an ‘all round hard head’. Is this young folk speak for cockstain? If so, then I heartily agree.

    Happy birthday too by the way, and apologies that we couldn’t *cough*wasn’t invited*cough* make it it along. Maybe next time…

  6. Brad,

    My cat didn’t actually die… In fact, I have no cat… and if it didn’t make these comments absolutely meaningless, I would go back and find something much more terse to use an excuse for not posting… But thanks nonetheless for your unneeded sympathy.

    I can’t say I know Mr Tuckey personally, but from what I can gather, your assessment of his character may be somewhat accurate, if not borderline defamation. Well done :)

    And there’ll always be more parties… How’s your poker face ?

  7. Well that’s the last bit of empathy you’ll ever get from me (shakes fist)!!

    As for Mr Tuckey, anyone that has read his recent comments regarding same sex relationships being extended the same rights as hetero relationships, will know for sure that he is indeed a cockstain, which makes me a speaker of the truth, therefore not subject to a defamation lawsuit.

    My poker face? Just as ugly as my normal face I’m afraid.

  8. Ahhh… Mon cher Matt! What a long wait we have all had for your poetic repartee and photographic meanderings! Most overdue!

    I must say I think the “partay” photos have you looking surprisingly coherent! Or, have your other less flattering depictions been selectively culled? No mention either of your unsuccessful attempts to break into the private “Champagne Lounge” at Must!!!

    A burgeoning gym junkie eh?… Perhaps you may even be tempted by a bit of serious cycling (Mmmm… lycra)!
    Just let me know and we can start planning that triathlon! ;-)

    The Valkyrie xxx

  9. Brad, we’ll have to work on that… although ugly is good when it comes to poker… Also thanks for giving the word cockstain another run in the sun…ahem.

    Lorraine ! Poetic repartee is far too generous… I aim for sounding vaguely articulate, so anything close to that is great. Coherent ? Of course they look coherent… it was a perfectly civilised evening of polite conversation, and there are no photos of anything indicating otherwise :) And it will be cold day in France before I ever get lycra’d up to go bike riding… so don’t get your hopes up just yet.

    Noodlez… you were a Corrigin boy ? When ? and Why ?? The mind boggles with possibilities.

  10. Thinking that perhaps a replacement cat won’t make it from ‘up-top’ I’ve put some of those special pads in the post; hope they go somewhy to releaving the ‘problem’.

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