Midday Inspiration

midday inspiration

Catching up on coffee:

  • Early morning meetings in the city have forced me out of my usual habit of making myself a coffee before leaving the house. Fortunately Clare and Jackson at Tiger Tiger have been keeping me well fuelled with excellent flat whites and macchiatos.
  • New purchases for my little home setup now include a tamping mat, a ‘latte art’ jug (with a new improved tip that’s supposed to make it easier to pour art… yet to be determined if this is true), and a new gasket for my Rancilio Silvia to try and stop the bit of leaking that happens occasionally. Thanks to coffeeparts.com for making my life easier when looking for bits and pieces.
  • Five Senses have recently added some of the infamous PNG PSC AA to their website for sale. This is a very rare and special grade of bean and from the double ristretto I pulled with it just now, I can see why. It’s full bodied, sweet, lingering and delicious (that’s as much as a flavour profile as I can manage). Try some if you can.
  • Grendel is going strong with his coffee fundraiser, having roasted up the beans now, it looks to be going well.
  • I also got a nice mention from Five Senses on their website. Thanks to Ashley for putting it up :)

8 thoughts on “Midday Inspiration”

  1. Yes mate – 80kg plus in the end. It has been huge but now that the bean sales side of it is almost done I can start getting ready for the crop day and our crop day cafe – will have to call Ash myself next week!

  2. Hi! Matt, I’m millufe from Japan. Your bolg is wonderful. Photoes are nice and recipes look delicious, I will try some of them. Have you ever been in Japan? If you come here, please try Japanese coffee. Japanese water is soft, so the tase of the coffee is deffarent from Australian coffee. I’ve been in Australia only once, I love Australia.

  3. Grendel: Remind me when the crop day is again ? I’m still keen to help out in the cafe if you need me.

    millufe: I have never been to Japan, although my girlfriend lived there for a couple of years, and she assures me that the water is much nicer than here… although that isn’t hard. I’ll be sure to try some coffee when I make it there… although some good sushi would probably be higher on the list :)

  4. Hi Matt!

    Let us know abou this new ‘latte art’ jug with the new improved tip! I have to start trying making some of my own…


  5. Will do Fer… So far not a great deal better… but things change on a regular basis at Café Matt. Let me know when you get your latte art groove on too :)

  6. Cheers Ed, they’re the Bodum Pavini in case you wanted to know. Excellent for keeping the heat in the cup but not being too hot to pick up, because of the double wall.

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